
Revolutionizing Port Terminal Operations with Continuous Berth-Depth Scanning

A groundbreaking partnership with Kongsberg, BerthWatch is an innovative real-time berth depth monitoring and reporting system. Ensure the bottom is safe and clear of hazards, confirm the depth can accept the vessel’s draft, and maximize cargo while maintaining safe under-keel clearance.

Navigate the Future of Maritime Safety 

Optimize Dredging

Ensure dredging activities are scheduled at the most beneficial times and access real-time data on the rate of siltation or shoaling.

Real-Time Monitoring

Access real-time data on the status of the berth pocket, enabling more accurate and up-to-date information for docking and loading.

Key Features of BerthWatch

Accurate Berth Pocket Depth Data

Facilitate loading optimization and enhance safety measures, particularly for bulk cargo terminals.

Subscription Benefits

Kongsberg’s Technical Hardware and MarineLabs’ Subscription-Based Software

Enables ship and port operators to bring vessels into terminals safely, efficiently, and with confidence.

Real-Time, Tide-Corrected Data

Delivered on-demand in the format you need.

User-Friendly, Customizable Display

Choose from an at-a-glance display designed for easy interaction on mobile devices and tablets and a desktop format for detailed view and export.

BerthWatch’s Impact on Maritime Operations

Learn more about 
MarineLabs’ Technology