MarineLabs’ Forecast AI Now Delivers 10-day Weather Forecasts

MarineLabs has expanded its highly accurate, hyper-local weather forecast to 10 days, providing vessel pilots, port authorities, and maritime operators with the information they need to make safer, more informed decisions. This upgrade builds on our already trusted 48-hour forecasting, extending accurate forecasts tailored to each location’s unique features and geography further into the future. 

“In complex coastal environments, so much depends on accurate weather forecasts. Forecast AI gives maritime operators the confidence they need to make critical decisions,” said Dr. Scott Beatty, CEO of MarineLabs. “With our highly reliable 10-day forecast data, maritime operators can be more confident in marginal weather conditions. This service will help them minimize disruptions. If your team is using legacy weather models or weather apps like Windy, MarineLabs’ Forecast AI is an opportunity to move to a more accurate, more geographically tailored, and more reliable solution. It’s about providing dependable, actionable insights that keep ports, vessels, and operations moving safely and efficiently.”

Advantages of Forecast AI for Operations

With Forecast AI, you can make more correct calls in weather conditions near your upper limits, reducing operational downtime and saving costs.

  • Plan Smarter: Gain better insight into upcoming weather windows. Access hourly forecasts up to 5 days, transitioning to 3-hour intervals for up to 10 days, providing more visibility than ECMWF with only 6-hour intervals after 6 days. 
  • Enhance Safety with Improved Accuracy: Over a study of 88 buoy years of data from our sensor network on Pacific and Atlantic coasts, Forecast AI outperformed both ECMWF and GFS. 
        • Significant Wave Height: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 80% lower compared to GFS and 47% compared to ECMWF HRES.
        • Wave Direction: RMSE was 45% lower compared to GFS and 38% compared to ECMWF HRES.
        • Wind Speed: RMSE was 22% lower compared to GFS and 13% compared to ECMWF HRES.
  • Stay Notified: Set up custom alerts to warn you when weather thresholds will be crossed.
  • Take Action: Adapt quickly to changing conditions with localized data on wind speeds, gusts, wave heights, and more.

Make Decisions with Confidence 

Forecast AI provides weather forecasts based on MarineLabs’ proprietary machine learning models trained on a combination of our expansive sensor network’s high-resolution observation data and commonly used third-party models. More accurate, hyper-local 10-day forecasts offer new levels of confidence in decision-making for mariners and ports.

When compared to publicly available models, in aggregate, across all forecast intervals, Forecast AI’s 10-day forecast has to date achieved: 

  • Significant wave height RMSE of just 0.17 meters, a 70% lower average error than GFS and ECMWF HRES.
  • 57-64% less error predicting wave peak period.

Coverage and Reliability 

53 buoy locations from MarineLabs’ sensor network along North American coastlines in the Atlantic and Pacific now have Forecast AI’s 10-day forecasts. As we continue to expand our network, the Forecast AI coverage will continue to expand. MarineLabs offers persistent and reliable service with over 98% uptime, delivering coastal intelligence for marine safety and climate resilience. 

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